Saturday, July 16, 2022

Frequently Asked Question: Can Siblings Marry?

The following is based on my understanding. I’m not at attorney and this should not be considered legal advice.

Can siblings marry?

I’m not aware of any government that will currently and knowingly marry full-blood siblings or recognize a marriage of full-blood siblings; rather, if it was discovered by the authorities after an official marriage was formed that the spouses were, in fact, siblings, the marriage would be dissolved and considered invalid. If the spouses knew they were siblings when they married, they would be subject to prosecution. If they discovered the genetic relationship after getting married, they would have to file for an annulment or dissolution or risk prosecution.

Where sibling consanguinamory isn’t still banned by law, siblings can have a wedding ceremony and live the married life, although under discrimination, as their government will not recognize their marriage and they will not get treated equally. Consulting a family law or estate attorney might be worth it for siblings who want some of the legal aspects of marriage. DO explain to the attorney of you genetic/legal relation as siblings. DO NOT tell the attorney you are lovers. Explain you would prefer each other to essentially be next of kin and reciprocal beneficiaries over and above anyone else (like your parents or another sibling); you want as much of a personal-social partnership as the law allows. 

Sweden and Brazil will legally marry half siblings under certain circumstances. I’m not aware of any country that currently has more progressive laws or laws as progressive as Sweden and Brazil.

Some siblings report that they have been able to get a marriage license in places like the US based on the ignorance of the authorities, such as the siblings being born in different states or countries and/or not having a shared parent listed on their birth certificates. However, if the laws of that location do not recognize sibling marriages as valid, or if consanguinamory is illegal in that jurisdiction, a marriage license is a potential piece of evidence that can be used in criminal prosecution, and that’s sad.

[UPDATE October 2014: An anti-equality lawyer who has practiced in at least two US states insists that there are at least a few states where same-gender siblings should, by the existing laws, be issued marriage licenses.]

If siblings want to get married, they should be free to marry. Inequality, based on prejudice, is counterproductive. All over the world, there are siblings living as spouses; there always has been, some with the knowledge and support of friends and family, some hiding the full nature of their relationship. Sooner or later, full marriage equality will be in place in more progressive places, allowing siblings to marry without discrimination or fear of prosecution. Let’s make it happen sooner rather than later.

This question may be asked many different ways. Can siblings get married? Can siblings marry? Can a brother and sister get married? Can a brother and brother get married? Can a sister and sister get married? Can a sister marry her brother? Can a brother marry his sister? Can a sister marry her sister? Can a brother marry his brother? Can you marry your sibling? Can you marry your brother? Can you marry your sister? Can two sisters marry? Can two brothers marry?


  1. Sweden is not as progressive as it seems, according to Wikipedia:
    "Incest with a descendant or a full sibling is prohibited by law in Sweden. Half-siblings can marry, but require special approval by the government."

  2. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Until the day that things change for the better, those of us like me and my brother will continue living together happily as though we were a married couple, even if neither the government nor society officially recognizes such marriages.

    Liz Smith

    1. You are disgusting. There is a reason that most non-domesticated vertebrates avoid incest. Try figuring it out.

    2. Well, Anonymous, with arguments like yours, it is easy to see why we're winning.

    3. Why not
      I feel that if they allow sodomy they the people should allow incest couples to wed.etc.
      Also parents marry their children.
      Didn't Lot have sex with his daughters
      what is unacceptable today in this world 2015 seriously people who believe in God's law heterosexuals against abortion all those people haters do not living in the free world and all the beliefs that are written in the New Testament seem to be obsolete to those who live by them

    4. Thanks to the Supreme Court we CAN Mary iur siblings!!!! Cause there is NO definition of marriage.

    5. There is a definition, but when "do as one wills, is the whole of the law" I dont expect you subjective ideologists to understand objective ideology. As long as you get what you want right? Who cares about anyone else. Propagandize the public and spread your filthy ideas throw second hand and third hand info so people can feel like they have "done research," you da no definition I say a bankrupt moral country is heading for a mighty fall and switch to something Not so nice.

    6. "Tolerance is a buzzword used by liberals based on ease of convenience".

    7. The only problem that I see is the significantly increased chance for genetic diseases of the offsprings of the couple.

    8. It's still a relatively small chance, and as screening method improve and stigmas are removed so people can use them without fear, it will be much less of an issue. o

    9. I am fully in love and happy with my half-brother. Never knew one another and both adopted out. I feel we should be allowed to marry.

    10. I envy you two living as a couple, if you love each other why should antiquated laws set to protect the royal families as being above the laws with special treatment, they've been doing it for centuries.

    11. I just discovered five months ago that I have a older sister that was also adopted. We knew nothing about each other before. Since then we are so close and can' t imagine a future without each other. If we could, we would get married and spend the rest of our lives with each other!! We love each other and are also happy

    12. I'm sorry but I find that disgusting. That's your sister you guys came out the same vagina and if you get married and have children, will you tell your children that you guys are siblings

    13. So Kong, if they're half-siblings born to different mothers, therefore came out of different vaginas, it's OK? And you disgust should not stop others from living their life.

    14. Life is too short to worry about what others think. If you manage to find someone that you love, and they love you, then go for it. I can only speak for myself, but I will not look down on anyone for following their heart's desire.

    15. I was adoped at biological family raised 4 kids...I was number 5 they put me up for adoption and when I was 18 I found and my sister are in serious love..we have to be together every chance we get...we want marry but don't want to get prosecuted.

    16. Anonymous, congrats on your love. If you haven't done so already, Please write me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com if you haven't done so already. It is possible to have a ceremony and do paperwork that will allow you to build a life together. As far as a legal marriage license, you might be able to obtain one depending on what your birth certificates say, but doing so probably wouldn't be considered legal if the truth was discovered, at least under current law. That's why we're working to change the laws.

    17. sorry i think its wrong its incest. and when they are both married and commit adultry with each other, its just so wrong!!!!!

    18. The obvious first question would be why do you find it wrong. Of course their are many answers used ranging from religion to genetics. So which one is yours. The reason I ask is because to someone who is in love these are just words.
      People can prove and disprove arguments on incest until their blue in the face, but the fact remains that love has no boundaries.

    19. There, they're and their please. Few in society actually know what love really is. In a society where love is heavily defined by Hollywood, and is characterized by feelings alone, not to mention the egregious failure of the English language to differentiate emotions. My example is that I love my girlfriend, I love my siblings, I love my parents, and I love music, but none of them are the same verb. So the obvious first response would be, "what is your definition of love?" Under scrutiny, I'm willing to bet the majority of it is lust and temporal emotions.

    20. Genesis 20:12 proves that Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) were half siblings, they were married and obviously approved by God. So much so that God shut the wombs of the women under Abimelech & Pharaoh when Sarai (Sarah) was in there residency for a brief time. So funny, how people miss this. It's in the Bible people. The father of faith was married to his half sister.

    21. I wrote this about what is found in the Torah

    22. I see nothing wrong with half siblings that never know each other getting married. There's worse people out there getting married like same sex marriage! We just need to leave people alone. Everybody just mind your own business and leave people alone.

    23. Thanks... I guess... But there's nothing wrong with same-sex lovers marrying, just like there's nothing wrong with any consenting adults marrying.

    24. Just go to New Jersey and get married and just keep it to yourself. No one has to know you were ever related before got married. Just play,dumb if anyone does say anything.

    25. Those states don't legally msrry yet. They just don't criminalize adults for being together.

  3. Laws prohibiting something do nothing to prevent it. It is only the observance of said laws by people in the position to disregard them that actually prevents anything.

    There is a healthy and profitable market for marijuana and other drugs, despite numerous laws against their possession and usage accompanied by draconian penalties.

    A spousal relationship between two adults which is defined as a a marriage. The state has nothing to do with it. Laws prohibiting such a relationship mean nothing.

    1. Anonymous, you have good points, but there are two main issues here: 1. the possibility of prosecution, which can happen whether or not they marry in a private ceremony of course, and 2. general discrimination against them. They do not have the same rights as other couples, and that can matter in many ways.

  4. I personally feel that if two people love each other then they should be allowed to marry even if they are siblings.The government should respect the feelings of people.This type of marriage should be legalized and the couples should be given same rights as other couples.

    1. Do figure wildout outside the box of what these will do. So does that means if a kid with an early age wants to marry a doucebag. Should u let him considering her feelings.

    2. I too believe that the government should respect the feeling of other people. The problem is that not everyone feels the same. You respect one side without upsetting the other. As far as government is concerned I'll assume that you mean the American government.
      I firmly believe that the illegalizing of marriage between any consenting adults is an infringement of the right of the pursuit of happiness. Anyone who calls themselves Americans will agree that wether or not they're religious the unalienable rights the government was founded on exist. Anyone who is married to someone that they love will tell you they're happy. By illegalizing any marriage between consenting adults it is an infringement of my right to pursue that happiness. Therefore the government is breaking the same rules that caused the revolutionary war.

  5. There may be legal contracts that replicate the benefits of a civil union. Governments shouldn't have any business in the realm of "marriage" at all, beyond civil law agreements.

    1. Anonymous, I understand the argument you are making. My position is that as long as something is being offered by the government, whether marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, etc., they should be available to all.

  6. Are you so sure that same-sex sibling marriage is prohibited everywhere? Most US states list the relations one cannot marry, and they are usually explicitly female for men, and male for women. If a state adopts same-sex marriage, unless it actively changes its language, presumably same-sex siblings would be able to marry by default.

    New Zealand's law was expressed in the same way; whether the new law changed that, I don't know. Canada's federal law still refers to "brother AND sister", implying that neither brother-and-brother nor sister-and-sister are prohibited.

    Also, most US states define incest as "sexual intercourse", which sounds like coitus to me. If so, then same-sex incest is not only not illegal, it's not even physically possible! Wonder if anyone has ever used that in his defense in court...

    1. I've actually seen a same-sex sibling couple talk about this. It might be a valid loophole, but trying it openly risks backlash and changing laws that would get them sent to jail. It's true, in some states the way "incest" laws are written don't prohibit same-sex relationships.

  7. I find this so interesting. By brother and I have been together for 3 years now. we've had many problems because of course it is a difficult situation. we want to get married and have a family. we've told some people and all of them have been very supportive. Here's the thing, i always compare ourselves with the gay community, 20 years ago they couldn't be seen in public, they were discriminated until finaly society stared to accept them and i think the same thing is going to happen for us. I dont understand why people is against this... I mean, we're not hurting anyone, we are in love and love is a good thing. we are happy together and once again WE ARE NOT HURTING ANYONE. i think it's nasty the way society behaves, most people will not support a couple that loves each other, but they will support war? way to go!! If you're not dating your brother, you dont have to be nasty and bitchy about it, it's not your problem and we're not hurting you... get a real point of view and grow up a bit!

    1. Anonymous, congratulations on you love. I agree with you. If you haven't done so already, I'd love to get an email message from you.

    2. where can I email you?

    3. I like reading about different subjects that I'm not familiar with, just to gain information. I'm not tryin' to be a jerk or anything, just tryin' to lighten the mood.
      But I would rather pull my eyeballs out and throw myself down some steps before I would ever think about marrying or anything like that with my brother. I truly love my bro, we have been together always. He's my rock and I'm his also. Sometimes i think that i would rather be with him than my husband. BUT I guess the difference is that I'm not in love with him. My brother is married also.

    4. I am in the same position as you. My brother and I have been together for 5 years. Most people don't mind, but most people don't know that we are half siblings. All we want to do is get married and live our lives.

    5. I don't know at what point your official or unofficial marriage and life is. After 4 years I wanna say that I wish you the bests in your life. I hope u both enjoy this sacred relationship forever. I think no one can be more trustworthy than a brother or sister. I basically think this kind of marriage is the best thing that can happen. If my kids in the future find that they can be happy marrying each other, I will definitely support them as far as my daughter wants it.

      do great

  8. Shouldn't we all people that think the same, that EVERYONE that's in love should be able to marry if they want, -everyone, with no exception- do something? Like, go out to the streets, mobilize ourselves? I feel the NEED to do something about it, and not just have an open mind and talk naturally (because obviously it is something natural) about the topic with my family and friends but being politically active somehow, try and make a change, just like GLBT people did decades ago (and look were we are now, with people of the same sex -though not related- being able to marry in some states, adopt, have biological children even, and doing pretty well in surveys about the topic nationwide, even on those states where this marriages are banned).
    I think we need to go out, all, people that is in the situation, in love with a relative and supporters, everyone, we need to have a voice.

    1. "everyone in love should be able to marry if they want"...
      Say your brother is eleven and he decides he wants to marry that little girl from the other day. Should he be able to marry her?
      This pedophile sees your little sister and decides he's going to get close to her and then ask her to marry him. She's seven. She should be able to marry him, then, using your argument.

    2. Unknown, I have made it clear repeatedly that I'm referring to consenting adults. I assume that is what the comment from March 17, 2014 is referring to as well.

  9. I believe incestuous marriages will be legalized. Now that gay marriage is legal, there is a community of people living in countries where incest is legal that are promoting just such a change. keep promoting it, let people know (this blog is a great start), promote it, and the change WILL happen.

  10. A lot of people are saying that siblings marrying would not harm anyone, but the main reason they were outlawed to begin with was because the children of these siblings were having a lot of medical problems.

    Even though people think the government shouldn't be a part of marriage, in the long run governments have a vested interest in its future citizens, which is why the laws exist in the first place. If the medical problems are going to cost a lot of tax payers money to take care of them, then why shouldn't the government and the tax payers have a say in who you marry?

    With that said, if the relationship won't ever have offspring, same-sex relationships, then I don't see why the government should care one way or another what people do.

    1. Anonymous, would you also restrict people with genetic diseases or genetic defects from marrying?

    2. You make a good point, I know that certain states have done so in the past with certain disabilities especially with mental disabilities. With that said, I believe they may have been done away with. But once again it falls into the category of the fact that the government has a vested interest in future citizens as to why they have the laws.

      I'm not condoning it one way or the other. I'm just saying that there were reasons behind it and not just to be mean or to deny anyone their hearts desire. But like lots of things in life, just because you like it doesn't mean it is good for you.

    3. Just because it is prohibited doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Incestuous couples may not be able to marry, but as long as they exist there is always a chance for pregnancy.

    4. There have been studies that show there is less likelihood of a first generation offspring have defects than a woman over the age of 35 having a child. This is being discussed in Germany currently. There is no law, there is actually celebration of a woman over 40 having a child, in spite of the odds of birth defects for the child.

  11. It's not disgusting. Inequality based on prejudice isn't right.

  12. If siblings are not allowed to marry and procreate because of the possibility of birth defects, then all women over the age of forty should be restricted as well because of the increased risk of downs syndrome.

  13. I'm so glad to read I'm not alone in this hope for equality. My brother and I had a relationship for almost 3 years. It wasn't planned, but just kind of happened when we started living together. We didn't know each other for 12 years of our life. We never grew up together. We remembered each other and knew that we were biologically siblings but after one night of talking about it we couldn't fully see us as such. I fell in love and so did he. We were always so careful about being safe but we suspect that my first his as well. It once again wasn't planned as much as I had been trying to become pregnant. I knew I had to be careful...but she was the best accident of my life. Unfortunately he has given up...and I have been married to a man I care about and am pregnant with my husband's and my second son (2 kids total between us) but its not the same love I feel for my brother. A sibling's love is so pure because its your know they will always be there. We still deeply love each other and it kills me to watch him want a nontaboo relationship... Especially when just simply having a relationship is allowed in some states. My daughter is the only illegal part about our love but that's if she is his. We will never know for sure. My parents (not his) have custody of her now. I hope one day in my lifetime its ruled an injustice to keep love apart.

    1. Anonymous, if you haven't done so already, please contact me a fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com as I'd like to communicate with you more about this.

    2. I also had a child with my half brother. We've been together 5 years. Our son wasn't planned but he is almost 4 now. He is smart and healthy. The only problem he ever had was a couple of ear infections and colds.

    3. NOTHING can block the love I have for my sister. Come on all you thought police. Death do us part, still my love will live on. And nobody knows it but me.

    4. North, that's beautiful. Feel free to email me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

  14. Me and my sister are in love with each other. We want to get married and start a family. I have done some research on this but don't know much about it. I have read all ur posts and would like some feedback if possible on how and were its legal to get married. She is my half sister we share the same dad but different moms. We also had a question about birth defects. What are the chances of them. And how many other familys in our situation have had kids without defects. Well we look forward to hearing ur comments

    1. Anonymous, thank you for sharing that. Congratulations on your love. The jurisdictions that will knowingly marry half siblings are very few. Also, there's no guarantee ANYONE will have children who don't have significant problems.

      That's the bad news.

      The good news is, you can have a wedding ceremony if that is important to toy and there are certain legal agreements an attorney can help you with. Also, I personally know half siblings (and full siblings) who have healthy, happy children. Perhaps some genetic counseling will help?

      Please contact me privately at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

    2. Thank u. Its nice to know that there is people out there that don't frown upon us and that instead happy that we were able to find true love.

    3. Keith Pullman What is the very few jurisdictions that will knowingly marry half sibilings? If you dont mind telling me..

    4. Sweden will do it under certain circumstances. Check the "Maps, etc." tab at the top of this blog.

    5. Look at New Jersey or Rhode Island on marriage.

    6. Those states don't legally marry yet. They just don't criminalize adults for being together.

  15. I think that one issue you do not address well is the issue of birth defects. While I believe that consenting adults should have the right to be with/marry one another in our society, I also believe that children should have the right to be born from a...I'm not sure what the right word would be...should we say "union"? Children should be protected under our laws from being created from a union which very, very significantly increases their odds of having birth defects.

    Therefore, people should be able to marry whom they wish, but not to reproduce with close relatives. It is logical and compassionate. Relatives should agree to get a surgery to prevent conception, or if they choose to use birth control, they should agree that they will have an abortion if conception occurs. They can use donors or adopt to have children if they wish.

    It seems to me that in your zeal to guarantee freedom for those who wish to marry, you have not considered the very real question of the potential suffering of their offspring.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful contribution. I'd like to note that we do not prevent strangers with known, serious genetic diseases from having sex, marrying, or having children. I cover your concerns extensively here:


      Interesting article about what Germany is looking into.

    3. You make a good point anonymous however when you come to the area of birth defects you must realise they can come from other areas to such hereditary disease or old age (this increased chances of both physical and mental health problems)
      If the law was to disallow procreation between siblings for the reason you stated they would have to disallow procreation between people who fall under the categories I just stated for the same reason.

  16. I am currently in a situation and I am doing as much research as possible. Any updates.

  17. First off, this is the first time I have even commented on anything. I often think about it, but never do. Why I decided to is because I want to give at least one person hope for their future. If this happens then time well spent.
    I am an only child. I did not have the privilege of having a sibling(s). I only came acrossed this thread after watching the flowers in the attic series. This made me curious and led me here. I had never given any thought to it before.
    I think people have more of an open mind today. Which is good for future change. Many people throughout history have been abused and persecuted to put it mildly. It is a shame what people have done to one another. Slowly people are seeing everyone has the right to be happy and treated as an equal. No matter what they believe, gender, look like, race or feel to name a few.
    I understand why people would initially want to put restrictions on procreation through a sibling relationship. There is a increase of child complications. Once you think a little about the whole picture, you realize, there is also these risk if not more from someone on drugs, like crack for example. What about little people with dwarfism? Should they not be aloud to raise a family because they might pass it to there children? Not too long ago we would of been having this conversation about African Americans or Native Americans. Where Caucasians thought thier race was superior throughout most of history and the offspring of other nationalities were inferior or an abomination. How many criminals breed more criminals? Should we sterilize people who are in prison then? We can go on and on for someone's "interpretation" of what is proper or correct. Who are we to judge anybody??
    In the middle ages royal families married other family members to keep the lines pure. You do not hear of these families run amuck with unhealthy children.
    I hope one day everyone will be free to love whom they love, without judgment. The world would be a much better place if people had more compassion and understanding even if they don't agree with someone's views. I wish everyone well in their endeavors to find love and happiness. Sometimes it's where you least expect it. Just know someone not in your situation cares.

    1. Hi Anonymous, you have given me food for thought and raised some interesting points. I have a problem with parent/child incest, due to the influence and control a parent has over a child, it is something I could never agree to.

      We do not have to be closely related to pass on genetic problems, so I can only conclude marrying a family member apart from a parent should not present too many problems. I would suggest testing for any known genetic markers of known problems as close relationships do increase to potential of two people having the same recessive gene, which is more likely to result in birth defects.

      Your quote on royalty is incorrect. It is well known there were serious genetic defects passed on within the royal families of Europe due to inter marriages. It is not the marrying of close relatives that is the problem, but increased chance of the couple both having the same defective gene that has more chance to result in decease or deformity.

      Generations of inter breeding when both partners have the same genetic defect will compound the problem with each generation, and weaken the genetics of the entire community.

      Science is fast identifying problem genes, which will help all potential couples avoid knowingly give birth to children with serious health problems. This should help eliminate any stigma around marrying close relatives.

      I wish you all the best.

  18. Sorry if double posting here... I think my comment was lost.

    I made and fell into deep love with my half sibling at age 15. We were made for eachother and only love was between us. No ulterior motives, no agendas, no fears, only the sweet nectar of true love. When my mother found us out she divorced our shared father. We have parted ways for 5 years now. As we approach adulthood and financial independence I hope to take my lover again and share my life with her. Despite my consistency I can only wish Our country and culture did not oppress incest couples. I can say I feel the pain of oppression as women felt when wanting to vote, or when blacks wanted to be treated equal post slavery, or when gays could not marry. I can only imagine their joy when the law turned the other cheek in their favor. How I would rejoice if incest marriage were legalized. Even if my lover no longer loved me and my oppurtunity was forfeit... I would rejoice for those young siblings whom may marry their lover yet. She will always be my true love. God bless America, Land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE

    1. Thanks for sharing that. Please feel free to contact me via email at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

      I would like to be in contact with you,

    2. I too am deeply in love with my sibling, my older half-brother. He is 5 years older than myself. We found each other later in life. I was 20 and never met my father or three siblings he had. Very long story short, we fell madly in love, we are truly Twin Flames! We live together, we have off and on for about three years now. He has three kids, I also have three kids of my own, after have three children, i decided to get "fixed". I was married, his children's mother is still around. No one knows, we keep it under raps, we do not want to lose our children. It sucks that we cannot be us, how we want. I have been searching all over for like a group, or forum or something, just to chat with others, I know there are others. I cannot find anything, is there anything?

    3. Anonymous, congratulations on your love. To find others, read this: Also, please write me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

  19. Not allowing siblings (or Parent/children) marriages is denies a class of people the ability to obtain Social Security survivor benefits, Therefore, they should be able to marry.

  20. To be honest, I'm a Muslim- and I don't care who you marry.
    As long as you're happy, go for it! I really appreciate the work y'all are doing!

  21. Okay, folks. You anti-incest people due to the risk of birth defects. You do realize that if incest is legal(as in marriage) and isn't stigmatized that these couples or more(in the case of polygamy) can receive adoption services? A poor parentless kid gets adopted, and a happy family.

    The use of three parent babies can reduce the risk of birth defects.

    So those are two easy solutions to the whole increased risk of birth defect issue.
    What valid argument do you have that isn't also used against same-sex marriage?

    After all there are plenty of articles debunking those anti-same-sex marriage arguments.

    Plus if you do use those sort of arguments and you are pro gay marriage... really? That just doesn't seem consistent.

    Especially those people who are okay with people with down syndrome reproducing but aren't okay with babies being born of incest. Seriously people with
    down syndrome are more likely to suffer from epileptic seizures.

    1. Disclaimer: I am not against people with down syndrome from having babies. I am just pointing out hypocrisy.

      Seriously I don't think anyone should be prevented from reproducing.

  22. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone. I've been with my half brother whom I had never met before for 4 years now. We really want to get married and are looking for ideas to do it. I don't see myself with anyone else. We love each other and we live together, the issue comes when I can't be listed as his wife on documents. We're not having kids due to the taboo and possible traumatic stress our kids would go through. I hope I can marry the man I love.

    1. Anonymous, congrats on your love. You are certainly not alone. If you haven't done so already, please contact me privately at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

    2. Just a quick update.... We are married!!!!!!!!!

    3. How where did you go.

    4. My half-brother & I met 15 mys ago. More love than we ever thought possible! Both adopted out. Birth certificates legal. Where did you marry?!?! We need this!

  23. me and my sister marry for 7 we have a daughter.beautiful and healthy.healthy parents make healthy baby.its great too make your own blood realated sister pregnant
    its magical our love.if everyone of you do it for one time . . . then do it for ever . . .just try

  24. I personally agree that equal rights should apply to all or their not really equal are they.also to those who think that marriage between siblings is a sin go read the bible again and as far as health issues the chance of pregnancy is slight in the first place I know this because my cousin and I were in this situation for years and we hope to continue after we have what we need to start a family but in 5 years she never got pregnant also the health of a child is mainly dependant on the lifestyle of the mother and father most health issues stem from improper nutrition and exposure to chemicals and non-natural substances in-utero. As far as mental illness or disability that can also be affected by chemical exposure not just the DNA of the parents I have seen medical charts where a girls DNA and her brothers were compared and where one was flawed the outher was strong so logically three DNA was compatible with little to no chance of health issues this was a rare occurrence and there is adoption to consider as well so I say as long as their consenting adults let them marry.

  25. I for one think we are arguing a much bigger question, "do we have a creator and does that creator care about us." If you believe in a personal God then you can accept that incest is wrong because the one who created you said so. Now if you don't believe in a personal creator then we have another discussion...but one thing is for sure, cause and effect. We have a universe and we can see it's beginning, thanks to Hubble. So now you have to ask yourself was the universe and all it's order caused by a dot or an intelligent creator. It's funny how the smarter society thinks they are the more "understanding and compassionate"they are yet a being intelligent and powerful enough to cause or world and life would care about what it created? If you believe in biblical history of man you know why there is sin and suffering in the world. But I guess I am stupid for obeying my creator? If people didn't want to be with their siblings and offspring then God wouldn't have needed to let us know it's not right. It is possible for us to want and even be in love with what is not right. Just my stance.

    1. This is not a blog about religion. This blog deals with what is actually going on in life today and secular law and common culture. You bring up Biblical history. We have noted before the that Bible includes commands to have consanguineous relationships. It was certainly good enough for Abraham.

  26. Pakistan allows cousins to marry, infact it's their tradition to be married with cousins.

  27. Hey guys I m Hindu,Is marrying my mothers brothers daughters daughter is correct?

  28. My full blood Sister and I met last year after 30 years apart. I am 65 and my sister is 58.. We have fallen in love in this last year and are inseparable. We are planning on living together soon but would love to be a married couple...

    1. Anonymous, congratulations on your love! Please contact me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com.

  29. How do you define love? Would you agree to a pedophile being 'born' that way, so he has the right to that kind of 'love'? What about persons with a bent toward beastiality? Saying those people who 'love' the child, animal or pet. Is Incest ok if it's 'love' You totally overlook what is NATURAL design, it's not about desires, it's about doing what is right!

    Where does it stop? Next step is demanding others give up their rights to accommodate these unnatural acts; example by demanding the right of others to comply or be punished! Such as marry them, bake a wedding cake, rent a venue, (regardless of their personal belief), the right of a child to BOTH male & female parents, pushing that agenda onto very young children at school? and you expect others to just "go along to get along? NEVER!

    Nothing to do with the 'hate' excuse, it's about caring enough to tell the truth, so you can have a peaceful eternity without regrets. Who decides truth?
    Read Romans chapter 1 verses 20-32

    1. We're talking about consenting human adults, who can generally enter into contracts, which is what marriage is, in our broad legal system. It's interesting you seem to want to bring children and vsrious animals into the mix.

      This is not a religion blog, but since you brought it up, I assume you've read Geneis? Do you know where Cain got his wife? Who Abraham's wife was? Who was left after The Flood?

      And nature has many examples of siblings pairing.

    2. It is important to distinguish between incestuous relationships prior to God commanding against them (Leviticus 18:6-18) and incest that occurred after God’s commands had been revealed. Until God commanded against it, it was not incest.The reason incest is so strongly discouraged in the world today is the understanding that reproduction between closely related individuals has a much higher risk of causing genetic abnormalities. In the early days of humanity, though, this was not a risk due to the fact that the human genetic code was relatively free of defects. The Bible has MUCH to say about what is considered 'normal' in this generation, which is why I suggested to Read Romans chapter 1 verses 20-32.

    3. Your first comment talks about "natural" as does the Romans passage. Surely what Adam & Eve's children and Noah's grandchildren were doing was natural, wasn't it?

      I will keep Leviticus in mind if I ever find myself in ancient Israel.

      In present day nations, I see no good reason to legally or socially deny consenting adults their relationships.

  30. I believe that since same-sex marriage has been legislated from the bench, all other marriage arrangements must be legal by default. This includes so-called "incestuous" marriages, and plural marriages. I don't see how the courts can say yes to one (same-sex), and no to the others.

  31. I have been with my BF for 3 years and when came the time we want to marry, our parents said that we are related and they don't want us to get marry. We have the same ancestor, the 6th generation. My BF and I still want to get married because the relation is far. Based on the Bible, we are all siblings

  32. About a month ago my little brother found me on Facebook because my last name is the same as our mom's maiden name (she was not married when she had either of us) she gave him up for adoption right after he was born. I was three years old and had no idea I had another brother till I was 14. We found out we are exactly alike and we slowly started to fall in love. Last night he asked me to marry him and he wants to move far away from the judgement and hatred so we can have a happy life together. But we are both so scared and we are both young (22-19) and we just don't know what to do. We are only half siblings but we love each other so much. What can we do?

    1. Congrats on your love and finding each other. This is all very new to you and yes, you are young. It would probably be good to wait a while before making significant changes. If you don't already live in a country or state where consanguinamory is legally allowed, it would be good to consider moving to one. We are only aware of two countries where half siblings can legall marry (Sweden and Brazil) but many other countries allow siblings to be together even though they won't knowingly give them legal marriages. Write my directly at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com so we can discuss this more.

  33. Ive been in love with my sister since we were children and heard of other brother sister relationships that were ones of love. my sister however wanted children and had we known what we do now i think we would of got married. i feel really angry that sociaty hasnt progressed on this

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that. We are angry, too, which is why we blog! Could you elaborate on your relationship? Were you together for a time? Are you now?

    2. we did want to be together when we were young but the constant fear of being found out and the fact that she wanted to marry and have children eventually ment she gave up on me. we're good friends though but id prefer if she was my life long soul mate which makes me feel bitter. yes when we were teenagers we were very close.

    3. i see what you mean by our relationship now. been reading the comments that seem to suggest mostly half siblings and siblings who grew up apart falling in love. with me and my sister we are full siblings and grew up in the same houses with the same perants but were attracted to each other from an early age and were only a few years different in age. this westermark effect didnt seem to effect us for some reason. i did some research as well on siblings having children and it appears the difference between unrelated couples and full couples having children with genetic abnormalities is so neglagable as to be only a few percent even none existant. can you confirm this as id like to talk to my sister about it. i also read their is a place were siblings can get married. Its a greek island forgot its name has something to do with greek mythology.

  34. I think it's stupid to keep to keep two people apart when they love each other. I think this country is going to hell in a hand basket. My so called half brother and I are in father has seven kids. Four from the first wife and three from the other. I feel like I have lived a lie all my life. Our mothers have lied to use all these years. Don't they want us to be happy? I don't understand why. We just want to be happy. How can fix this lie? We want to get married. But until our mothers admit they lied we can't marry. How can we fix this. Makes wonder what else our mothers have lied us. We can't afford dna test. Please help us! I'm tired of hurting inside. Thanks lost!

    1. I'm so sorry. Please write me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com so we can communicate about this.

  35. My sister and I are close in age and grew-up together in the same house. We always wanted to marry each other even when we were just kids. I'm now in my mid 60s and have never been married. I couldn't marry the person I always wanted to marry. She's had several bad marriages, one was especially toxic.

    There was no internet when we were young so I spent (wasted) quite a bit of time in the
    library trying to find a state that would let us marry. My sister asked our mother about us getting married and she just brushed it off as silly.
    Our mother knew about our relationship but she didn't approve. Her main concern was making sure our father never found out.

    We did come close to living together. We planned to move far away from everybody. We even picked out a house together. For complicated reasons that I didn't fully understand at the time, it didn't happen.

    After all these years with a heavy heart my advice to those who find themselves in the same situation is to just be together. Move far away if you have to but just be together.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that. I'm sorry things haven't been different. I'd like to hear more from you. You can write me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

  36. I don't think it should be problematic. If you think about it..The Earth started with Adam & Eve. The years that followed, Brothers,Sisters,Cousins,Mothers,Fathers were all married in one-way or another. We would be where we are today if they hadn't. Why should the Government decide. Doctors should.

    1. government nor the doctor should decide on love relationship or marriage but you decide love relationship and marriage.

  37. My sister and I are in our 60s. We discovered each other about 2 years ago when I met our father for the first time. It’s difficult for us to see each other as half siblings. How do you connect with someone as a sibling if you’ve never bonded with them or grew up with them or even knew about them for 60 years. She was just another women that I met and I just another guy. I truly appreciate this blog. After many discussions about this we probably won’t see the legalization of full marriage equality but we have each other set up as beneficiaries of our estates. And we are living very happily in another state far from who we know are family. She is a dream come true for me. I will continue to provide for her as she is doing for me. You know, there are many siblings and half siblings living together in these retirement years. You might be surprised how many are secretly living as husband and wife...our love has nothing to do with genetic or incest or growing up together...but it does have everything with two people who love each other and who want to be happy in our last season of life.

    1. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this! Please email me at Fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com as I'd like to write privately.

  38. My brother and I are half sibling and weren't raised together. We want to be together where our relationship is legal. We are more than just siblings and we love each other so much.

    1. Congrats on your love! I’d like to hear more from you. Please write me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

  39. I don't get why a half brother or sister can't marry it is ridiculous if two people love one another they should be able to marry if they so choose to,

    who is the government or religious cults to tell anyone what they can and can't do with their own lives they are not hurting anyone at all and it's not like if this was to be legalized that a bunch of people would start to marry relatives,

    well that is to say after the first big wave of people whom have been waiting to do so for who knows how long being able to not hide from the world about your relationship will take a lot of stress off their shoulders,

    of course there will always be haters no matter what and really there opinions do not matter as they are consumed with hate anyways the real point is the love shared and the bond between the two people not what society thinks or says,

    I see that a half brother and sister being married a non issue as they only share one parent and to me this is almost the same as some have stated like first cousins to me it like aunt/nephew or uncle/niece marriages as it would seem to me the exact same thing as half brother/sister marriage but to my knowledge one is legal and the other isn't feel free to correct me if I am wrong on that,

    as for myself and my love we are quite happy together and are madly in love we want to be married and be free with our expression of love however people are so damn judgmental and closed minded and hateful that we can't do anything as a couple around people whom actually know who we are which is aggravating as hell,

    we are half brother and sister and no it is not lust I/we know the difference I have been in many horrible relationship with other people if you could even call them that more like nightmare-ships (even had a child in one of them)

    I had not ever felt a true love like I do with her we did not grow up together and no it's not "GSA" either I have looked all over the place about this subject we talked about this for quite a long time before we ever started our relationship with one another and everything that we would have to deal with at one point or another and we both said 'F' the world and it's view and opinions about us the law included,

    if ever the police tried to arrest me or her that is cause for self-defense by any means necessary as it is a false arrest essentially it's a declaration of war against me and her and I will not submit

    also I would like to add to this that my sister and I are also an endangered species yes that is correct and we have been put on the list as insulting as it is it is true this was caused by columbus and all that fallowed after him need I say more and as a result those who remain are related to me/her so I/we are in a conundrum created by the same people who made these laws in north america I/we are duel citizens really it comes down to breed our race out and become permanent fixtures in you're museums like we already are or try to revive ourselves perhaps if what happen in the past 500+ years hadn't have happened maybe I wouldn't be writing this post at lest in the way I am now

    and perhaps if this law dosen't ever get passed for this maybe just maybe a special acceptation would be made in light of the current situation I do believe that this is a very valid argument I am making

    all I can say is I have love in my life and am grateful for it as my life was always filled with hate until I connected with the one and only true love of my life and I have not ever felt the way I do ever in my life about anyone or anything and I am not about to let it go because a false government tells me so or a blind law makes me do something I don't want to do or a religious faction preaching hell-bound or some hater group either like the rage against the machine song say's over and over again "F**k you I won't do what you tell me"

    1. Congrats on your love! I’d like to hear more from you, so please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

      Laws vary from place to place.

  40. Nice post thank you Jason


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