Friday, December 6, 2024

We Get Letters

This blog gets comments on many posts.

I wanted to print a couple of recent ones here because I couldn’t publish them in their original form as I needed to redact a few words.

I’m trying to keep things here as “safe for work” as possible, and certain combinations of letters prompt filters to kick in.

“Jenny p” has left several comments on this blog. Below is one she left after this post:

I'm a mother with her son here but feel I can give some advice: I think continually reinforcing a culture in your household that discussion about needs and wants isn't bad, but actually welcome, really helps. Ideally it should be possible for a father to express he has a sexual desire and wants something with implicit understanding this is just statement of fact and not an obligation. When this is all laid out on the table it'd be up to the daughter to decide how she wants to best act. To have sex with her dad or not. What I think is important is to realize that the worst state is for her to not know and be robbed of that decision. Perhaps in either case she doesn't want to go further but if the relationship is healthy she would still welcome the transparency and honesty. 
I admit it's a hard culture to get to. There's a lot of social stigma. For my son and I he got to a stage where he was comfortable enough to say what'd make him happy and i was used to this enough to not take it as shock. At the start i always made sure to be happy and praise him for sharing what he felt and would make sure to be honest with how i felt too. 
When the taboo of just talking plainly breaks down i think things inevitably move fast. Once you know they want something, when there is no doubt, everything is simplified. for me i remember thinking "well he wants this, i want him to have it, and he says he's certain he desires it... there's no miscommunication and there's no one lying or deceit.... so why don't I?" 
I want fathers to be able to say to their daughter "i want you to [fellate me] every day and swallow my load, if you did that i'd make me soo happy" and have it be as normal a conversation as as a father telling his daughter what he'd love to have for dinner or his dreams for retirement.

Anonymous left a comment here:

Myself and my elderly mother have enjoyed wonderful sex for sometime now and yes it’s very much like family with benefits, she is my sexual release from a sexless relationship, and I provide her with something she would otherwise be unable to experience. She absolutely loves intercourse and is very oral, often saying what a dirty sinful mother she is whilst we [do it]. We both derive enormous pleasure from what we are doing. How can this be wrong.

What do you think of those comments? Do you agree? Disagree?

You can leave comments within the specified rules after any entry on this blog, including anonymously.


  1. I find nothing wrong about incest if it's consensual.There are many " normal or conventional" pairs breaking up in the western world and South Koreans and Japanese not ready for marriage or motherhood.
    Incest won't resolve the issue of nations ("dying"?) but at least there won't be a great crisis either.

  2. They are good honest comments and totally agree with the points made. Choice is the most important factor here, which is demonstrated in the first comment in regards to a father approaching his daughter.

  3. Is confessing one's feelings considered an intrusive act? In the first commenter(Jenny P) case, if father expresses their feelings to daughter, could this be viewed as inappropriate sexual harassment from a woman's perspective? Some people might feel uncomfortable because they are pressured to respond to the confession. Of course, I hope everyone can communicate openly. Courtship should fall within the normal social interactions between men and women, and sexual activity should be a basic ability that every adult possesses.

    1. I think it depends on the father and daughter relationship and how open they already are. Like in most situations you have to be respectful of the other person and approach them appropriately. I think it would be harassment if a father etc didn't take no as an answer.

  4. I completely agree with the first letter. We should be able to state what makes us happy, and then a family member can decide whether to do it or not. The important things are open communication and free choice.
    I have been in a relationship with my brother for a long time, and we have a healthy daughter. I would not have that if my brother had not told me how he felt about me.

    -Liz Smith


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IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.