Thursday, March 7, 2019

Utah Needs Full Marriage Equality

And so does every other state. For now, we'll address the discrimination in Utah.

Caitlin O'Kane reports at

Two cousins who say they are in love with each other have created an online petition calling for the state of Utah to allow them to get legally married. "My first cousin and I have been in love with each other our whole lives but we are prohibited from marrying in the state of Utah where we live," Angela Peang writes in the petition. "We believe that the law is outdated and it needs to be changed so that we can socially legitimize our love."
Of course! There is a fundamental right to marry. An adult should be free to marry any and all consenting adults.
The couple's goal is to get 1,000 signatures; as of Wednesday morning, about 75 have signed on. Peang told CBS News she's loved her cousin, Michael Lee, since she was in second grade. Peang's father is the oldest of 12 children; his sister, the fifth child in that family, is Lee's mother. 
"We just always played a lot," Peang remembered of her childhood interactions with Lee. "We went into a closet and we were kissing and dancing together. It just felt really natural."
I think they've proven their love. There is no good reason to continue to deny them, or any other adults seeking to marry, their rights.
"He told my mom he was going to marry me," Peang said. Her mom told Michael they couldn't get married but they could be friends. Each time they saw each other at family functions the connection between them stayed strong. The cousins were caught kissing once by family members, Peang remembered. "We got in trouble," she said. "After that we were kind of kept apart."
It's sad how bigotry causes even family members to do stupid things.

The cousins each got married to other people and Peang had three children with her husband. But both couples eventually divorced. Angie and Michael hadn't seen each other in about 10 years when they both showed up to their grandmother's house last Christmas. They immediately reconnected.
"We felt a lot of love and missed each other over the years," Peang said. "We decided that we were just going to be open with our love. It was really scary to think about how our family would react because they are conservative Mormons... we thought we might be excluded."
I can't speak to Mormon teachings, but you won't find anything in the Bible against marrying cousins. Quite the opposite.
The cousins are not legally allowed to get married in Utah, but the law is different in Colorado. Peang and Lee went to Grand Junction, Colorado, on Monday to tie the knot at the courthouse.
Good for them!
Most do not allow marriage between first cousins, but Inside Edition reports six states do permit it under certain conditions. Some impose age limits or require proof of therapy between the couple. Utah is a state that allows marriage between first cousins only if both are over the age of 65.
Not sure where they are getting the figure of "six." Half of states will marry first cousins, with some restrictions.
The couple wants the law changed so their marriage is recognized in their home state.
All laws that seek to deny adults their freedom to marry should be repealed. We need full marriage equality sooner rather than later!


  1. I hope they stay together forever. They should never let anyone tell them they can't be together. It's up to them and them alone and I really hope it works out for them <3

  2. This seems like a really stupid question BUT can we also sign the pedition if we don't live in Utah? Or won't this count? I truly wish to help these people somehow!

    1. Hey, it's a good question. I'm pretty sure you can sign the petition no matter where you are from. Just put in the details and then if you want privacy, check the box that says "don't display my name" and then press the Sign button. Don't worry if you don't live in Utah. It's best to sign it anyway just in case.


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