Sunday, February 17, 2019

Presidents Day

It's one of our extended holiday weekends here in the US, meaning Monday is a national holiday, this time for Presidents Day (which replaced Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday).

All the modern Presidents have been men married to a woman while campaigning and in office. There was at least one President in our history who wasn't married. Reagan had been divorced and remarried. Trump, as most people know, has been divorced twice and is into his third marriage.

We came very close to having our first female President. Of course, she was and is married to a man (one of our former Presidents!)

When will we have a woman as President? When will he have an out LGBTQ President? There are least a couple of women serving in high office right now who could eventually break both barriers at the same time.

We have had plenty of nonmonogamous Presidents. When will we have one who is openly, ethically nonmonogamous?

Hopefully, more and more future voters will understand that people can be great leaders and be gay, or lesbian, or pansexual, and/or genderqueer, and/or polyamorous.

With consanguinamory still being criminalized in most states, having openly an openly consanguinamorous President seems much further off. Never say never, though.


  1. I would prefer a COMPETENT president over any minority. And if representativity is an issue, why the heck would a non-monogamous person get elected ? Or a LGB-etc ?

    1. We don’t have to choose. There are competent people who are minorities.

      If the President was a demographic representative, most recent Presidents would have been women.


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