Monday, November 7, 2016

Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day in the US

Tuesday is Election Day in the US.

It's a Presidential Election, and since President Obama is nearing the end of his second term, he is termed out. This means we are selecting a new President. This cycle has received much attention because celebrity/businessman Donald Trump is the nominee of one major party, and former First Lady (and, more recently, Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton is the nominee for the other major party, which is already historic as it is the first time a woman has been nominated as such. Absent something bizarre, like it or not, one of them will be elected President and will enter office January 20, 2017.

We are also voting:

1) To elect about 1/3rd of our Senate
2) To elect our entire House of Representatives
3) To elect Governors in some states.
4) For various state and local offices and in some states, on some laws.

This blog is wont tell you who should get your vote, other than to encourage you to support those who are most supportive of full marriage equality and the rights of all adults.

1 comment:

  1. It's too late now but i voted for Garry Johnson because he is for the people and wants people to chose what they want


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