Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Research Being Done on Genetic Sexual Attraction

Maxine in the UK is doing undergraduate research on Genetic Sexual Attraction, and wants your help. I understand and support anyone who stays away from these things if they believe them to be a threat to their relationship, but I encourage any qualified person who is willing to participate to do so. The more research on GSA, the better.
From speaking to Barbara some time ago I understand that many members are sensitive to people wanting to study GSA, understandably so. I am not making any claims, I just want to be able to gain some first hand accounts of those experiencing GSA…The only requirement I have from any participants is that they spent a large proportion of their childhood apart and reunited after the age of 18 and that the GSA is either mother / daughter / sister / father / son / brother, can be related as half siblings but not distant such as cousins.

If any of you would be so kind to complete the questions you can email them directly to me:-


(I am now director of my family plumbing company - hence the email address)

More information and questions are below…

I am carrying out this research as an undergraduate student at The University of Hull, England, UK. The research is for my dissertation which is to be submitted in partial fulfilment of the BA Social and Behavioural Studies. Consent for this research has been obtained through the University’s ethics board. The purpose of the study is for the researcher to consider the origins and mechanisms which give rise to GSA by obtaining firsthand accounts from those with a personal experience of GSA.

The only personal data I will take from you, other than your responses to the questions below, is your age, sex and country of residence. This information is only available to the researcher, it sole use is for the purpose of this study and all raw data will be destroyed once the analysis of the data is completed. Any other identifiable information which may become available to the researcher, such as names, email addresses, user names, etc. will not be used in any of the research and all data will be destroyed as above. All electronic data is stored on one laptop and backed up on one USB memory device, both of which is password protected and only accessible by the researcher. The researcher will maintain your confidentiality throughout.

By answering the questions you give your consent for the information you provide to be included in the study. You can withdraw your consent at any time by informing the researcher. A summary of the findings is available to the participants by request.

Can you please provide the following information about yourself:-

Age: Sex: Country of residence:

Can you please answer the following questions in as much detail as you feel comfortable, particularly giving reference to your own feelings and reflections:-

1. What is your understanding of the term GSA (genetic sexual attraction)?

2. Can you give an account of your own personal experience of GSA? Please mention specifically, length of time separated from biological relation, ages (current and during separation), your role in your experience, ie. Father / son / brother / sister / mother / daughter and finally how is the relationship currently?

3. Why do you think you experienced feelings of GSA or were the recipient of feelings of GSA?

4. Do you feel the term GSA adequately describes your feelings and experiences? Is there another term or definition you are more comfortable with or you feel describes it better?

5. Please only answer this question if you experienced feelings of GSA. Can you please describe your feelings and thoughts about yourself when you first developed feelings of GSA? Did those feelings change and what are they now?

6. Please only answer this question if you were the recipient of feelings of GSA. Can you please describe your feelings and thoughts about you relation when you first knew of their feelings of GSA? Did those feelings change and what are they now?

7. Have you anything to add?

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