Sunday, September 19, 2010

There Are People Who Understand

Little Lover Kitty from GSA asked on Yahoo Answers

Genetic Sexual Attraction?
My older HALF brother and i didnt grow up together. We became friends as adults and we realized how similar we were and how much we were alike. He told me that he had romantic feelings for me one night and i told him that i did too. We had a secret affair for about 4 months untill our mom read my diary and discoverd our secret nights. She kicked him out and he is living in texas agian with his dad. we are both still in love. so passionatly in love. we feel that we are soul mates. We talk everyday and we are working on being together again in the near future.

My question is basically what do you guys feel about this and what are your thoughts about Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA)?

For my thoughts, see something I wrote here recently.

When you are living in someone else’s house, you live by their rules.

She adds…

And you guys are also verrry brainwashed about "incest babies" i know people who have children with thier parents or their full siblings and their children are totally healthy

Here is an intelligent answer…

Even though I disagree with it, I support your right to do it. I think people should have the right to do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights. Keep the government out of the bedroom.

Thank you.

But since you guys weren't raised together, I can't see anything wrong with what you are doing.

It shouldn’t matter if they were raised together or not; the right to love, sex, and marriage should still be the same. It seems less likely they would be in this situation if they were raised together, but that still happens.

Another intelligent answer…

It seems that most responses are obsessed with birth defects and weird babies if closely related have kids. I believe we are finding out this is nothing but an 'old wives tale'.

The legal system should not be concerned about who we love or what we do in our bedroom as long as it is consensual.

May things work out for you and your lover.

And another…

Considering what society will accept these days, it's a sad situation when it won't accept two people being together in a loving, consensual relationship. As far as the baby situation is concerned, there are obviously a lot of misinformed people out there, and the genetic risks are wildly exaggerated. Nobody tells women over 40 that they shouldn't have children, and nobody tells people who have known genetic disorders that they cannot have children.

There is hope! We do have allies. People do get it. If LLK and her brother can be on their own, they shouldn't be kept from each other.

1 comment:

  1. "Even though I disagree with it, I support your right to do it. I think people should have the right to do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights. Keep the government out of the bedroom."

    I love this answer!

    Please, keep up the great posts.


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