Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Consanguinamory Day is April 28 - Consider Making Plans

There are countless ways to observe or celebrate Consanguinamory Day, which falls each year on 4/28 or 28/4 depending on how you write dates. You still have time to make plans for this year's observance on the last Sunday of this month. Celebrate consanguinamory!

Bring up to the topic of consanguinamory and/or consanguinamorous people in your discussions.

Do something to advance rights.

Become an ally.

Come out as an ally to specific people you know.

Come out as an ally in general.

Come out as consanguinamorous.

Initiate consanguinamory into a relationship.

Rekindle a consanguinamorous relationship.

Celebrate your ongoing consanguinamorous relationship.

Display The Lily.

Start planning now! If you'd like to discuss your plans with Keith, contact him via email at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or on Wire at fullmarriageequality. You can also leave a comment with your plans or your suggestions to others by using the comments feature below.


  1. Mother who is active with her Son here.

    I think celebrating this day is a great idea and would love to try and make a commitment to improving the perception of incest and promoting it where possible.

    I have recently told 2 close friends about my relationship. While I told them because I knew they were open minded people, I’m still pleased they are supportive.

    Im considering telling my father. It’s a much bigger step but perhaps it would be worth doing. And if so, why not on the 28th?

    1. I'm so happy for you and your son, Sara. Congratulations on celebrating such a beautiful love! David

    2. You're a wonderful mother. I'm very happy for you. I am a woman in a relationship with my brother. I hope one day that people like us do not have to keep hiding in the shadows.

      Liz Smith

    3. Thank you Sarah for sharing your story, it inspires me lot. I'm very much attracted to my mom, but we live in India so It's considered deadly sin in our society. My dad passed away last year. After that my mom started living with me. I'm trying to convince my mom. She's getting open with me slowly. I hope I can start a healthy relationship with my mom in next three months. Wish me good luck. I'm so happy for you and your son.

    4. I can be reached at sarahpratt84@proton.me if you want someone to talk to about this.

      I truly think it’s great to push for such a relationship with your mother and hope for all the best with you.

    5. I'm going to tell my father tomorrow about me and my son. I've been thinking of the possibility that he may want a sexual relationship with me too, and would welcome it.

      I'm going to try my best to ensure he knows he can have sex with me to, as my son does.

      I don't know how he'll react to this, but i'm excited to do my part to be more open about this side of my life.

  2. Good for you! Are you two a couple or family with benefits?

    1. An open, loving, family with benefits. It's just me, by husband, and my son though :)

    2. That's great for all three of you. Do you have sex with your husband and son at the same time or separately?

  3. As someone who fell for my little sister a little over a year ago now, having a day to mark means a lot. Really, this whole blog means a lot. It was being made aware of this page that introduced me to this blog. Having a real term to put to these feelings, a symbol to use, and information to use, both to refute bad arguments and to stay safe, is a godsend. I've been making a lot of the same counter arguments against consangphobes since before I developed these feelings, but having new counter arguments to use and more information for the ones I already had really helps. With all of these resources, I hope that, one day, I won't have to be scared to tell my sister how I feel.

    1. Yeah it's a great blog. So tell us more about you and your sister? How close are you now and what are your ages?

    2. Oh, gods, where do I even begin! She's this incredibly caring, smart, creative, gorgeous woman who I'm so proud to have had a part in raising. She's 25 and I'm soon-to-be 30 but I didn't really have feelings for her until we reconnected on her last birthday. Sadly, we live nearly halfway across the country from each other now, it's a complicated story, but I've been working hard on staying in touch and reaching out as often as I can, without being overbearing at least. We're still really close after all this time and distance. She's the family member who supported me most in my transition and we understand each other on a level I just don't normally experience with other cis people and family. I guess that's why I fell so quickly when I did. Anyways, sorry if this is a bit of a ramble. I just get so mushy gushy when I think of her. I'm such a disaster lesbian with love, especially with her.

    3. Hi again, so is she single? And has she shown any interest in you? Perhaps see if you two can go away together for holiday etc? How affectionate are you two? Try to increase the affection between you two. This site offers get advice.

    4. That's where things get complicated. She has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who I feel super jealous of, and I've never really been a jealous person before. It sucks especially because, given everything she's said, he sounds like an amazing guy and I'm happy for her. Yet, a part of me sits here hoping things end, and I hate that. My sister hasn't shown anything to indicate interest. I know she's bi and it's not unlikely that she could be polyam since I am, but she also hasn't shown any clear signs of being polyam so that's more just grasping at straws. She's already planning to come visit me when she has the funds and college isn't in the way, but chances are that won't be until she's finished with college. I do genuinely want to be more affectionate with her, even just platonically. Being raised a boy as a trans woman means I never really felt comfortable being more affectionate towards her growing up, and I never got to share those sisterly moments of doing each other's hair and stuff like that. I doubt I'll ever be able to get those moments back, unfortunately, but even just being able to give her more hugs and kisses on the cheek would be nice. It might be all I ever get. Sorry this ended up being a pretty big downer.


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