Sunday, February 2, 2025

Valentine’s Day is a Friday This Year

For those of you who’ve been thinking about getting something started with someone or trying to get something started with someone, this could be your chance.

This especially applies when the person you’re trying to get with is someone already a regular part of your personal life, as is the case with close relatives or family members.

Does that person or those people already have plans for Friday, February 14? If not, maybe you should set something up for them?

Set a date. Dates can be at home. The restaurants and other venues will be busy; setting up a nice evening in can be just what is needed.

Much of what is here on this page applies. Ideally, you’d already be to point number 4. Start now if you haven’t started yet.

If they don’t have a date, tell them you’ll treat them to a nice evening. If you don’t know whether or not they have a date, ask them if they have plans.

This doesn’t need to be a big production. Set the scene; you want to be alone with them unless anyone else present will help make things happen. Make or buy their favorite foods and drinks. Get them a nice gift that more on the romantic or erotic side, depending. We want them to feel appreciated and desired.

Special occasions can be the best time to get something started or add a new bond. Sitting around fantasizing about it for the rest of your life, never taking action even though you’ve had opportunities or could have created opportunities, is not the way to go through life. It’s up to you.

Good luck!

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