Tuesday, January 30, 2024

It’s Not Unusual

I'm continuing a series here of answers I posted to Quora that got attacked by censors. While my appeals have been granted, restoring my answers, the silly censors have continued to report my answers out of desperate bigotry. So, this could turn out to be a looooong series. Enjoy!

If you don’t follow me on Quora already, please do so and upvote my answers, if you’re so inclined. 


Profile photo for Keith Pullman

It is normal in that is happens to many young men. It may not be “normal” as in happening to most men your age. However, it is common enough that you certainly know other young men who have the same feelings for their mother, whether you know about that or not. It isn't exactly the kind of thing a lot of people tell other people they know.

There is nothing wrong with having these thoughts and feelings as long as they don't interfere with your reasonable obligations (such as your education or employment).

I actually know mothers and adult sons who've acted on such feelings, and some of them have the most beautiful relationships. It really doesn't matter if someone else is disgusted, and no, it isn't illegal in all places.


NOTE: These specific answers in this series were "deleted" at Quora after being there for a while and being well-received. They were probably hidden from view because some bigot targeted me, as evidenced by the fact that many were deleted in rapid fire.

I have previously appealed such deletions successfully. However, whether or not my deleted answers are restored, I’ll be adding them to this blog. You’ll see for yourself there’s no reason to delete these answers.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with your post Keith. I think many us of sons and daughters are into one or both our parents. I think if people were allowed to open up about the possibility of sex within the family then maybe the "parent's bed" would be better known a the "family bed". I think if family sex became legal everywhere the changes to family dynamics would change instantly for the better.


To prevent spam, comments will have to be approved, so your comment may not appear for several hours. Feedback is welcome, including disagreement. I only delete/reject/mark as spam: spam, vulgar or hateful attacks, repeated spouting of bigotry from the same person that does not add to the discussion, and the like. I will not reject comments based on disagreement, but if you don't think consenting adults should be free to love each other, then I do not consent to have you repeatedly spout hate on my blog without adding anything to the discourse.

If you want to write to me privately, then either contact me on Facebook, email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or tell me in your comment that you do NOT want it published. Otherwise, anything you write here is fair game to be used in a subsequent entry. If you want to be anonymous, that is fine.

IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.