Monday, September 26, 2022

France Must Move Forward

The laws and people of France must move forward, not backward, when it comes to the rights of all adults to share love, sex, kink, residence, and marriage as they mutually agree.

This means consanguinamory must remain decriminalized. Furthermore, consanguinamorists should be free to marry.

Liberty demands this.

Equality demands this.

Fraternity demands this. (HELLO! What could be more fraternal than consanguinamory???)

Let's check in on what is going on in France right now, with this report at from Emma Morgan...

A new report aimed at improving the French state’s response to childhood and incestual sexual abuse does not include plans to ban incest in all its forms in France.

In France, there is no law in particular against two adults (those aged 18 and over) engaging in a consensual incestuous relationship or having children.

However, it is illegal when anyone under the age of 18 is involved, under a law which came into force in April 2021.

Adults should be free to have their relationships. Consenting adults having their freedom is an entirely different think that child abuse. The two should never be conflated!

In January this year, the French government announced that it intended to criminalise all incestuous relationships, whether those involved were children or adults.

That would be a a terrible injustice. Stick to going after child abusers, not people who are loving each other.

The state Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants (Ciivise) has now collected 16,414 testimonies from victims of sexual violence over a year, and outlined five areas of improvement for authorities. 

Again, abuse and affection are two different things. How about collecting testimonies of love, joy, pleasure from consanguinamory? Abuse is a horror. Love is wonderful.

The resulting final report does not contain a recommendation to ban all forms of incest, but instead outlines plans to remove parental authority from parents who are convicted of having committed incestuous sexual violence on their child.

Again, two different things.

“[A sexual relationship] between a parent and a child always involves a form of control even when the child has reached adulthood, which is why incest is a specific act that requires specific legislation."

Oh really? When a 30 year-old man who is doing well in life meets a 55 year-old woman and they find each other irresistibly attractive, and they later realize he resulted from an egg donation by her, exactly who is exerting the control???

Let's be clear. Abuse, especially of children is a horror and resources should be directed at stopping it. Love and play between consenting adults is an entirely different thing. It's not a horror. It is delightful.

It is certain that right now, as you are reading this, there are close relatives in France who are making love. Ordinary French people. Extraordinary French people. Accomplished French people. Admired French people. Consanguinamorous people are everywhere, and always have been. Do not spit on their self-determination when it comes to their relationships.

They should be free to live their lives quietly, or come out of the closet, and to marry if they want, without being criminalized, bullied, harassed, or discriminated against.

We support love. Don't you?

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