Thursday, June 2, 2022

Viral TikTok by Kendradollx is Debated

Found at is this article by Andrew Court about a woman whose TikTok posting has gotten a lot of attention.

A stripper has gone viral on social media after claiming she danced naked in front of her own brother at his bachelor party.

The wild story was relayed by the exotic entertainer — known only as Kendra — in a TikTok posted May 15 that has since clocked upwards of 10 million views.

“I ended up being the stripper at my brother’s bachelor party and I didn’t realize until I was completely nak3d,” the dancer, whose handle is @kendradollx, wrote in text overlaying the video.

If the story isn't real and she was just looking for a way to boost her numbers, she certainly did get a boost!

Kendra did not explain where or when the purported party occurred, but the brunette beauty has previously revealed that she works at a strip club “in the south.”

The TikTok in question has since sparked fierce debate, attracting hundreds of commenters apparently skeptical of the entertainer’s tawdry tale.

Let's think about this.

There are a lot of people who work as "strippers" or "exotic dancers." 

There are a lot of people who enjoy their performances.

Most dancers are going to work within driving distance of where they live.

Most customers, if they aren't travelling, are going to see dancers in their local area.

Many young adult siblings live close to each other, often in the same residence.

Many dancers don't tell their siblings they are dancing, or at least where they are dancing.

At a club, with the lighting the way it is, there are going to be people the dancer wouldn't be able to identify before the end of their performance. Not all the club customers are going to be able to identify each dancer immediately, either - due to lighting, costumes, other things going on - and it is entirely possible someone who DOES think the dancer is their sibling might not want to say anything or leave if they are there with their friends. 

Some of the same things can happen as a bachelor or bachelorette party at a private residence; the customer doesn't want to leave or say anything.

It's also possible that in cases like the one in this article, the brother's buddies knew his sister was working at this club and deliberately took him there.

Odds are, it has happened many times that a sibling has been present for such a performance, whether or not this reported instance actually happened.

There's nothing wrong with dance.
There's nothing wrong with taking off clothes or being without clothes.
There's nothing wrong with dancing while taking off clothes. 
There's nothing wrong with someone else enjoying the sight of these things, a close relative or not.

Far more common than scenarios like the one described is that high-profile appearances nude in movies, television shows, magazines, etc. are seen by close relatives, and they usually know before they see their relative. And there's nothing wrong with that.

And there are millions of nudist or naturist families. And even in families that don't identify that way, going without clothes some of the time at home, or in pool or hot tub, or in a sauna, is a frequent thing.

So, a sibling seeing their sibling nude isn't some rare and bad thing. And despite the picture I used for this entry, it isn't inherently sexual, either.

Some people are quick to say everyone should have the same hangups they do. Fortunately, other people aren't so repressed.

EDIT: I should have pointed out that this is “news” because of stigma about both performers and consanguinamory, and those stigmas shouldn’t exist. The original posting did not indicate there was any contact or what the brother’s reaction was or has been. And yet people are reacting negatively because of their unjust biases.


  1. "Stripper discovers her brother is in the audience!"
    "... and?"
    "and nothing. Nothing else happened"
    "Oh. Ok."
    This seems like such a non-event.

  2. I bet he loved every minute of it! I know I would if it was my sister lol

  3. She doesn’t even have a brother and that’s facts.


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