Monday, April 11, 2022

Documentary Producer Seeks Input During Research Phase

Becky Southworth is a UK producer/journalist developing a documentary for a major UK broadcaster asking the question, “Should incest be legalised?”, exploring the different consensual relationships of consanguinity. 

She will be travelling to America looking at challenges to the laws there as well as spending time with those campaigning, reflecting on whether the UK should be following suit.

She is in the research stages and conversations she’ll be having right now won’t be recorded.

Contact her via or her Facebook profile:

Of course the consanguinamorous are cautious about dealing with journalists, but, hopefully, some people with experience and some allies can make positive contributions to this project. If you think you have something to contribute, contact her and see how things go. Contacting her doesn’t obligate you to do more or to keep in contact, but maybe you’ll find it worth your while.


  1. Look forward to seeing that!

  2. Why not enjoy incest discreetly?
    There is added excitement in secrecy.

    Instead, let it be a documentary about how such relationship could be decriminalized- possible legal hurdles and blackmail by law enforcement agencies,if caught.


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