Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Good Start by California Governor Gavin Newsom

We agree with California Governor Newsom...
People who have been convicted in California for engaging in consensual adult, sexual conduct, including consensual sexual activity between adults...are encouraged to submit a direct pardon application to Governor Newsom.
Nobody should have been arrested, let alone convicted, for sharing affection with other adults. Over the years, various states in the US have had laws criminalizing (and otherwise discriminating against) such relationships and sexuality, whether it was against unmarried sex, interracial relationships, LGBTQ people, polyamorous people, swingers, and other ethical nonmonogamists, consanguineous lovers, kinksters and fetishists, and others. Anyone convicted under these laws, or other laws used as excuses to punish such lovers, should be pardoned, whether they are still alive or not.

You can read more about what is going on California, and the work of, and persecution against the late Bayard Rustin, here.
This new clemency initiative will allow pardons for people like Rustin who were subjected to discriminatory arrest and prosecution for engaging in consensual conduct...
There are still laws on the books in California that need to be removed.

Governor Newsom, please work with the state legislature to repeal any laws still on the books in California discriminating against adults for sharing love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults. There are still people in California who can't marry their lovers, some of whom can't even live authentically because they face prosecution, bullying, or discrimination. Please, Governor Newsom, work to remove all laws against consensual adult relationships and criminal convictions related to current and past laws.

Repeal unjust laws.

Pardon the unjustly convicted.

Adopt a Marriage Equality Amendment.

1 comment:

  1. love is NOT a crime! whats wrong with society?


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