Tuesday, May 28, 2019

We Get Letters From Twins

Anonymous left a comment on an entry...

I am with my twin brother. We started 5 months ago.We are now 22 and very happy.
Congratulations on your love!
I had been with two men before and my brother was a virgin before me. He had only wanted to be with me. He is my twin, and naturally there was always this fantasy. Yet,I never dreamed this could become a reality. There was always a shame about it.

It's too bad that there are prejudices against love.

He always had a strong dislike and jealousy towards both of my boyfriends. This always made me upset because we have always been the best of friends. When I was involved with them my relationship with my brother was distant. When I came to understand that he was jealous and what his feelings for me were, my feelings for him quickly escalated and manifested fast,.when it became clear to me he had these thoughts.
It can be difficult for someone closeted about their consanguinamorous feelings. When the other or others recognize what is going on, it makes more sense of things.
Though society condemns us I felt why not.
There's is no good reason to avoid what you both want.
We can be very, very happy together. No matter how unrealistic people say this is.
Others have done it for a lifetime.
It was me that made the first move.Very slowly, yet fully knowing that he was in love with me. We just turned 22 and nothing would please me more than to become pregnant and spend my life with him.
Somebody has to make a move if anything is going to happen.

Congratulations again on your love! Please do contact me privately as I'd like to keep in touch and hear more from you (and anyone else in a similar situation). I can be emailed at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

These links might help you with your goals...

How to Avoid Trouble

Considering Parenting

Consanguinamory and Reproduction

What To Tell the Children

What About Roles?

Keeping the Closet Door Closed

How to Pull Off Living Together


  1. proud of twins in relationships.

    1. Twins relationship are holy, and having a child then is doubly holy, while "sealing" the relationship too. God (whichever) bless you for eternity. As long as you don't succomb to society's pressure.

    2. Thank you!Iam the woman That wrote this!So surprising you made my little comment into one of your entries!We are flattered!The way you formatted is wonderfull!Plus the advice at the end.We would love e to contact you privately lately.Yet are very very cautious....No matter how you look at it it is very difficult way to live.Even though we are very happy.We would love to be like this forever and have children.We see no reason that we have to stop.Yet,there are many considerations to think about(Unfortunately).Like our parents and older big brother(by 10 years).Those are the main relatives.Yet other relatives and factors(Friends,Society's rules, etc.).We do not wan t to stop or see ourselves stopping.It would not be the same with other people for many reasons.At 22 years we are Still young.So at the moment (At least) we are just living day by day and enjoying ourselves immensely.His roommate moved out months ago and my brother was going to move into a studio.We decided to keep the two bedroom apartment.So I could move in.Which is a blessing..My brother broke up with his long term girlfriend(Who is a Mormon.They never had sex because of this)) and My ex boyfriend cheated on me .Which lead me to breaking up with him and being with my brother.So with our past history no one suspects that we are lovers.He is in college and Iam in college now.We have always been the best of friends as twins.So it is good coverup.At this point in time.Aside from being in secret.It is easy being together.We have our freedom.

    3. Thank you Medhi!That is sweet

  2. We hope to never succumb.Unfortunately,This is more taboo than homosexuality.

  3. If anyone wants to know more.feel free to ask.

  4. Hang in there :) There is nothing wrong with having a private, secret relationship. You have to remember that this world is a hostile place right now and you have to be smart about it. So protect each other, be careful, and keep it secret.

  5. Take care of each other. There is nothing wrong with being in a secret relationship. The secrecy is important... we are all living in a very hostile world and you need to be smart about things. So keep safe, and keep it secret and do your part anonymously to talk about it (maybe online) always anonymously. your relationship is the most important thing so keep it safe.


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