Monday, July 20, 2020

Sometimes the Ice Just Needs Breaking

Anonymous submitted this at this blog's sister Tumblr.
Hi, Keith. If a mother and son love each other and feel attraction between them, I see no reason they could not date or make love. Even if they just want to have casual sex. Many sons and mothers living together and dreaming about each other. They only need to break the ice to finally get closer as they intend!
Read how I responded.

OOPS! That link went away. Here's the text. I will have to restore the links, but I'll have to do that later.

There is no good reason why consenting adults who are right for each other should always deny each other, including mothers and adults sons or other relatives. (This includes step relatives.) They can share a sexual relationship that’s everything from very casual (such as “family-with-benefits”) to lifelong spousal-style relationships, and everything between. It is up to them what affections they will share and for how long. The options are almost endless.

Breaking the ice can be very difficult. A lot of people have managed, though.

While there are some who absolutely would never do anything with the other, there are many who would and some who actively desire it. You just don't know for sure until some steps are taken.

But before even getting to that point, someone should figure out if this is what they want.

People questioning their feelings might want to read this.

If you are questioning how someone else feels about you, read this,

Potential lovers may prefer to take things slowly.

Some more general advice about ice-breaking is here.

Then there’s what happens after everything starts. People have questions about dating others, living together, and keeping their secret.


  1. I love the mom-son thing, but I have no sexual feeling towards my mother, she just do not interest me sexually. While I wish I had dream mom and would have loved to love her as a lover.

  2. It seems you either don't find her sexually attractive or you find mother-son incest erotic but only when othets indulge in it(strong element of voyeurism).

    1. "...While I wish I had dream mom and would have loved to love her as a love" (no element of voyeurism).

  3. Unfortunately me and my mum never managed to break that ice. I was sexually attracted to her and I'll still am. I didn't want us to be a couple but I did want sex. It always felt that something could happen but never quite got there. It's a real shame.


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