Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is This Your Neighbor?

It is sad that there are adults who have to hide their love, or some part of their love, from others. One example of how this plays out in life comes from a friend of this blog who is in a relationship initiated through Genetic Sexual Attraction. She wrote it at the FREE forums.

How do I deal with GSA. Well the big part for me is sometimes the lonelyness, it doesn't happen that often, but sometimes I want to shout hey I'm not single i'm with my brother or to show how proud I am of my brother whos also my partner, or the having to 'act normal' when out or around family, I suppose we are both lucky that we've never had a big circle of friends, we've both never been big goer outers, But what I've learned over these past few years is to talk, not to bottle it, I feel so much better if I'm having a bit of an off day to talk to my brother, as at the end of the day he's the only one that understands me. So comunication and lots of it.

We also get away at least once a month where we can be completely free and no one knows us, this helps us so much in our relationship. It's nice also at the end of the day when we are alone snuggled up for the night that connection, cuddling, holding hands, just the touching, that gives a lot of reasurance.

We do a lot of planning for our future, I think that's great in any relationship, doesn't have to be massive plans, just things to work towards, things to look forward to. I always thought at the begining it would get harder the longer we lived together because people would start asking more and more questions, as it happens we get asked less now, Even our mum now asks things like have WE got any holidays booked etc etc...

So I think what helps me deal with my relationship, Is the immense love, communication and the connection.

This woman could be your neighbor, your coworker, or someone in your family. This is why we should support full marriage equality and relationship rights for all consenting adults. They aren't hurting anyone and shouldn't have to hide.


  1. If I knew this woman I would tell her: "Don't worrry, I support your relationship."

  2. I add, I hope they'll never suffer for this relationship, I don't know why, but I feel an immense empathy for these people :(

    1. You have heart. They are generally happy with life, and they have each other and a beautiful love. If you saw their pictures, especially their pictures together, you'd see it, too.

  3. Thankyou, very kind words. Wish I had a neighbour like you Cornelius :-)

    All we want from this life is to live our simple normal lives without fear of prosecution, persecution and discrimination, I really really do not understand why in a so called civilised society we are part of, this cant be.

    In the end love and not ignorance will conquer all.

    To dream, oh but to dream......

    1. Well, now I can tell you, I support your relationship, all the best for the future :)
      Greets from Italy.

    2. I support you guys too ^^ You seem like awesome people. I'd invite you guys over for tea o.o


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