Thursday, October 14, 2010

Forbidden Author Interviewed by Jess Hearts Books

Jess Hearts Books scored an interview with Forbidden author Tabitha Suzuma. There was a review of the book previously on that blog, and here is my most recent mention of the book.

1.) How did you come up with the idea for Forbidden?

Consensual incest was a subject I had wanted to write about for a number of years. I kept rejecting the idea because I thought there was a good chance the subject matter would never get past the gatekeepers. I was only able to take the plunge once I had built up confidence in my writing ability through my previous four books. I was inspired by the desire to write a tragic love story. It came down to incest by a process of elimination. I wanted the book to be set in contemporary London and I needed the two teens in question to be old enough for their love for each other to be taken seriously. But I quickly realised that (fortunately) in modern-day Britain there are very few - if any - obstacles that could keep a couple in love apart. Cultural and religious difference maybe, but if the couple were determined enough to go against their families' wishes, they could always run away together. I needed something that would be condemned by everyone wherever they went - a relationship that could never be and moreover, was against the law.

Yes, in most places in the West, the criminalization of LGBT people, and to some extent, poly people, has been lifted, but there are still laws being enforced against people for having sex with a close relative.

Her fourth answer starts out good.

I think I actually became even more open minded about consensual incest during the writing of the book. I don't think it should be an imprisonable offence.

But then goes negative.

However, I do think that it should be discouraged and that couples who find themselves drawn into an incestuous relationship should seek counselling and should not be allowed to have their own biological children as the risk of genetic defects is so high.

Oh well. At least her book is doing some good.

Towards the end, a better answer…

10.) What do you hope readers take away with them after reading Forbidden? That things are not always as black and white as they seem. That everyone is different and it is often too easy to dismiss something as disgusting or wrong. That in some cases, in some situations, something universally perceived as 'wrong' can actually be harmless. And that you don't choose your emotions, you don't choose who you fall in love with. I also hope the book makes people more open-minded and less judgemental and encourages readers to have empathy for others, particularly for those who are different, isolated or troubled and lead difficult lives.

And maybe Suzuma herself will become more open-minded still.

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