Thursday, September 15, 2022

"Can I Marry My Own Son?"

Asked and answered on Quora:

Yes, you can marry your son. IF either of the following are true…

1) You’re not listed on his birth certificate and your location uses birth certificates to determine eligibility for marriage, and you’re not his legally adoptive mother or father.

2) You don’t care about having your marriage registered with the government.

Unfortunately, full marriage equality doesn’t yet exist in laws. So, if you were able to the do the first option, it would only “work” so long as your true genetic relation wasn’t known to authorities. In many places, including 48 US states, you couldn’t even do option 2 (a private ceremony without a state marriage license) without risking criminal prosecution. Countless people have done this anyway, and few have been outed and prosecuted.

I advocate full marriage equality, including your freedom to marry.


  1. I believe that any adult should be able to marry any other adult, as long as both consent to it. That includes one family member marrying another, even a parent marrying their adult offspring. I would marry my brother legally if I could.

    Liz Smith
    Wickr: blondone89

    1. Hi, totally agree! Everyone should have a choice.

    2. Hi Liz I agree and I believe incest between a mother and son is the most beautiful deepest bonding a man and woman can share as they become one

    3. It’s so beautiful to hear these words. I wholeheartedly love my biological father.


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