Sunday, July 28, 2024

Benefits of Increased Consanguineous Affection

Anonymous asked as this blog's sister Tumblr...

If you were asked to list the top reason why parents and (grown) sons & daughters should be more intimate with each other, without it turning into a full-blown relationship, what would they be?

Sex is fun.

At least for most people.

Sex in general can have many benefits, but there are some benefits that are increased by, or particular to, consanguineous sex. And by “sex,” I’m being inclusive of what some would call “foreplay.”

Familiarity - Who better to share these experiences with than someone you know, love, and trust?

Love - Sharing and expressing love in more ways.

Proximity - Often you live in the same residence or will be spending time with each other anyway. This is convenient. If you don’t live in the same residence, it can incentivize getting together more often.

Touching - Touch, hugs, embraces, cuddling, massaging… these can be good to do with each other, and you can do more if you’re not avoiding certain areas of the body.

Exercise - Sex is good exercise.

Strengthening Muscles

Stress and Tension Relief

Motivation - “We will celebrate with oral sex if you get this done.”

Orgasms - Many people who’ve engaged in consanguinamory say that they have more intense orgasms and more orgasms over all. But you’re definitely going to have more orgasms than if you’re not having sex at all and not masturbating because you’re around family. If your family is open, encouraging, and assisting with masturbation and sex, you can have more just from that alone.

Bonding - This adds and strengthens bonds within the family.

Peace - It can encourage peace instead of bickering between family members.

Knowing - Getting to know your family members better.

Gift - It can be doing something nice for your family members, and/or a gift to yourself.

Learning - Learning about your own body, learning about bodies; learning techniques, positions, and variations; learning how to effectively use condoms, toys, and other aids.

Practice - Practicing what you’ve learned.

Experience - Experimenting in a safe space. You might not ever have done a particular thing with someone else before, and might not ever do it with someone outside of the family. For example, a heterosexual man touching his brother’s erection, or a lesbian doing the same.

Abuse Prevention - If you are able to have sex with people who love you, you have less pressure to put up with bad treatment from someone outside of the family. We probably all have known someone who has stayed in a bad relationship because they didn’t want to go without sex. This helps reduce that.

Improved Self-Confidence

Lower Blood Pressure

Better Heart Health

Better Immune System

Immediate Natural Pain Relief

Decreased Depression

Decreased Anxiety

Thinking and Memory - Sex may help improve analytical thinking and memory.

Better Sleep

Boost Libido

Strengthen Bones - Can increase the level of estrogen for post-menopausal people, which can protect bones. Sex is also proven to boost testosterone levels during and after sex, which can offer some protection against what has been known as male osteoporosis.

Improved Bladder Control (For people with a vagina)

Relieve Menstrual and Premenstrual Cramps

Potentially protect against endometriosis, or the growing of tissue outside the uterus

Reduced Chance of a Vaginal Prolapse

Less Chance of Vaginal Atrophy (for the post-menopausal)

Decreased Risk of Prostate Cancer

Enhanced Sense of Smell

Improved Dental Health - Semen has minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and zinc, which are effective in root canal fillings. Calcium and zinc are ingredients in most tooth rinses.

Lower Risks During Pregnancy - A protein in semen named HLG-A can help increase the immune system and reduce the risk of complications like swollen extremities, nausea, headaches and seizures.

Improved Appearance - Healthier and smoother skin, healthier and shiny hair.

Nail Strength - Stronger, healthier nails.

Improved Ability to Perceive, Identify, and Express Emotions

So, there are plenty of benefits, plenty of reasons.

As mentioned before, family members can share sexual affection without being in love or even attracted to each other (although some are). It should go without saying that this is all about CONSENSUAL interaction.

If you can think of more reasons, or can attest to the benefits, please comment below. You can do so anonymously.

If you want to communicate with Keith privately, email him at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.


  1. Great post! Good points

  2. I'm happy that my wife and her daughter are benefitting from their amazing relationship that took years for them to finally express to each other.

  3. I think the benefits certainly out way any negatives.

  4. In my family, the adult children were given a sex tutorial before going off to college. This is much preferable to learning it from some random person off the street. And, we’re all adults here. Watching my sister masturbate doesn’t bother any of us at all, as long as the environment is safe and consensual with adults.

  5. I can’t agree more Keith. Well said! Sex between adult consenting family members should be encouraged, experienced, celebrated, openly enjoyed, and normalized!

  6. Some really good points made in the post and there is no doubt that sex with an family member is definitely intense. I think alot more families would stay strong and maybe even divorce rates would drop dramatically for example a father or mother's needs, emotionally and sexually could also be met by a son or daughter etc.

  7. All that matters is mutual satisfaction,loyalty.All the heart health,Lower B.P.,immunity are fashionable and impressive( to the gullible) features to justify and sell some idea.

    1. Agree totally.
      You both want to enjoy,do enjoy why try to justify with health benefits.After all ,even picking the nose has psychological benefit.

  8. >reads the words "sister tumblr"
    i think i hauve covid

  9. okay but like...
    it shouldn't matter.
    people can eat greasy food, drink beer, sit on their ass all day watching tv, or do all kinds of unhealthy things simply because they enjoy them.
    of course this list is still a great tool when you're in an argument with bigots but... personally i think nothing other then the consent of all parties involved should actually matter. even *if* incest were proven to be unhealthy even when 100% consentual, informed, etc. that still would not warrant a ban on it.


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If you want to write to me privately, then either contact me on Facebook, email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or tell me in your comment that you do NOT want it published. Otherwise, anything you write here is fair game to be used in a subsequent entry. If you want to be anonymous, that is fine.

IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.